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The best food for flexible muscles and joints

We often think that getting older means that we get stiff muscles and joints, but this does not have to be the case. A healthy diet can help keep muscles and joints flexible, even as we get older. In this blog you can read which vitamins and minerals are important and in which foods you can find them.

Vitamins are essential


Healthy food is rich in vitamins and minerals that can have a positive effect on the muscles and joints. On the Nutrition Center states that calcium and magnesium, for example, are necessary for proper muscle functioning. Calcium plays a role in reducing muscle pain and muscle cramps, while magnesium plays a role in muscle formation and the transmission of stimuli in muscles and nerves. But vitamins such as vitamin D and C are also important.

Vitamin D has several benefits for our body: it contributes to maintaining good muscle function and ensures optimal absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food, which contributes to the building of strong bones. A vitamin D deficiency can also cause muscle and/or joint pain, cramps and muscle tremors. Vitamin C further contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal functioning of the cartilage. It is also a vital vitamin for the body's healing process.

The question is of course: what food should you eat to get enough of these vitamins and minerals? Below we list the 5 best foods for diabetes muscles and joints.

Nutrition for muscles and joints

Green leafy vegetables

leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale are very beneficial foods for muscles and joints. They are rich in vitamin K and minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

In addition, green leafy vegetables contain a lot antioxidants which reduce the amount of free radicals in the body and can prevent oxidative damage. This may contribute to maintaining flexible joints. Furthermore, leafy vegetables are a source of sulforafaan, which is thought to inhibit the activity of enzymes that can cause damage to cartilage.

So include green leafy vegetables in your meal more often, make a winter stew or regularly drink a green smoothie full of these powerful vitamins!

Nuts, seeds and kernels


Nuts, seeds and kernels are very beneficial for your muscles and joints because of their nutrients. Most nuts, seeds and kernels are a source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids support your body in fighting diabetes inflammation, including inflammation of your joints. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium, which, as mentioned earlier, can prevent damage to cells and therefore contribute to the maintenance of flexible muscles and joints. In addition, they are rich in proteins, which aid in muscle recovery.

Nuts, seeds and kernels are easy to use in a breakfast with (vegetable) yoghurt or oatmeal or in a salad. A handful of nuts is a nutritious snack with numerous health benefits. If you prefer bread, 100% nut butter is a good alternative.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish

Eating oily fish such as herring, mackerel, eel and salmon is very beneficial for your muscles and joints. These types of fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to the reduction of diabetes joint complaints in muscle strain

Oily fish is also a good source of protein. Proteins are essential for maintaining strong bones, as our bone mass consists largely of proteins. In addition, too little protein intake can lead to a decrease in muscle tissue, which can result in less strength for daily activities. In addition, proteins play an essential role in the structure and function of cartilage and are involved in the maintenance and repair of healthy cartilage.

Oily fish is also one of the few animal products that contain vitamin D. The Nutrition Center therefore recommends eating oily fish at least once a week. People who don't eat fish could also take supplements with vitamin D and fish oil/algae oil.

Dairy products

dairy products

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in high-quality proteins. As mentioned earlier, proteins help to build and maintain muscle tissue. In addition, dairy products contain one of the most important minerals in our body: calcium. Calcium contributes to optimal muscle function. A calcium deficiency can cause muscle pain and cramps. Since our body cannot produce calcium itself, it is necessary to get enough calcium through our diet.

In addition, dairy products are a source of vitamin D, which we need for optimal muscle function and to absorb calcium from food. Dairy products also contain the mineral magnesium, which we need for the formation of bones and muscles and for optimal muscle function. With a magnesium deficiency you can experience muscle cramps.


In addition to nutrition for muscles and joints, various herbs can also provide support.


Turmeric is an antioxidant that plays a role in supporting and keeping your muscles and joints flexible. The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, a compound known for powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Curcumin reduces both acute and chronic inflammation in and around the joints. In addition, it provides protection to the cartilage, helping to keep your joints flexible.


Ginger comes from the rhizome of a ginger plant. Not only is it a prized spice in the kitchen, but it is also recognized in healthcare for its potential health benefits. Consuming ginger can reduce muscle pain due to exertion and exercise joint pain Reduce. In addition, ginger contains bioactive substances that have a anti-inflammatory function and protect our joints and keep them flexible.

Supple muscles and joints

We cannot emphasize enough how important a healthy diet is. Your muscles and joints have a hard time every day and as you get older they could use some extra support. In addition to consuming healthy food with sufficient vitamins and minerals, it may also be useful to take certain supplements to take. Slimminglabs offers various supplements specifically designed to support your muscles and joints. Are you ordering them today? Then you will have them at home the next working day.