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fitness supplementen



  1. Fitness supplements support your muscles in all your sports performances
  2. Sports supplements and ingredients
  3. Lifestyle and sports supplements
  4. Fitness supplements come in different forms
  5. Why buy fitness supplements from Slimminglabs
  6. Frequently asked questions

Fitness supplements support your muscles in all your sports performances

Whether you are a real gym rat or just go to the gym every now and then, working out is a great way to keep moving. Do you want to lose weight, get more muscular or just enjoy exercising? Whatever your reason: fitness supplements can help you reach your goals and get the best out of yourself.

In this article, you will learn more about the different types of fitness supplements out there, what they are for and which ones are best for you to use to achieve your sports goals!

Disclaimer: fitness supplements are not a panacea - as there is no such thing. It can help you, but always make sure you use supplements responsibly and informed. When in doubt, consult a doctor.

Sports supplements and ingredients

As with basically any kind of supplements, there is also sport and fitness supplements lots of choice. So how do you know which is the best supplement for you?

First of all, it is important to define your goal. What do you want to achieve when you start working out at home or at the gym: do you want to burn fat, build muscle, get fit and strong or just enjoy exercise? Based on this, you can determine what kind of supplement you need. Then look carefully at the different ingredients: what is in my supplement and what is it for? Knowing these two things will help you make the best choice for a supplement that suits your needs. For example, if you want to build muscle, go for a supplement like Bulk extreme. As a woman, do you want weight loss support? Then check out Pro Biotic Slim.

Lifestyle and sports supplements

Getting fit is more than just going to the gym. If you would like to live healthier, you need to change things in other areas of your life as well. Nutrition, sleep, but also how you feel mentally, all play a part in successfully achieving your goals. Sports supplements are a tool for more energy and results when exercising, but they are an addition to a healthy lifestyle. Make sure your nutrition is in order first so you can get the best out of your training and your supplement!


The basis of a healthy lifestyle starts with your diet. You can start with small changes: replace a biscuit with fruit and check the packaging of what you eat to see how much protein and carbohydrates it contains. As you slowly improve your diet this way, you will find that you have more energy to exercise, can maintain it better and see more results.


Sleep is also an essential part of a healthy lifestyle: sufficient sleep gives your body time to rest and recover and process all the impressions of the day. How much sleep you need varies from person to person, but on average an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep per night. So go to bed on time and put away that phone, it really does wonders.

Mental health

Besides making you slimmer or stronger, working out is very good for your mental health. While exercising, you can clear your head completely. You also produce the happiness hormone dopamine, which makes you walk out of the gym with a big smile and a good feeling! It boosts your self-confidence.

Structure and routine

Full of enthusiasm, you start your new eating and training schedule. But how do you keep it up? It is important to establish structure and routine: for example, go to the gym at set times and prepare at the weekend what you will eat throughout the week. This way, you yourself increase your chances of success! Set an alarm clock to remind you to go to bed on time and, above all, think about what you are doing it for: feeling good in your body. 

Did you skip the gym and eat fast food after all? Don't be too hard on yourself: don't see it as failure, but as learning. Pick up where you left off and just try again.


Fitness supplements come in different forms

There are an awful lot of different fitness supplements, with all different effects and purposes. There are powders, shakes, pills and gels, with all kinds of different ingredients. Below we list some of them, so you can use that knowledge to make the right choice for you.


Protein as a sports nutrition usually comes in the form of a powder. You mix this yourself with water or milk to make a protein shake. Everyone needs protein, which you get from your diet. Athletes need extra protein to help their muscles recover and build and maintain muscle mass. 

There are two types of protein supplements: whey (or whey) protein and casein protein. Both are the by-products of milk. The difference is that whey protein is quickly absorbed by your body. It is suitable to take it immediately after exercise, so your muscles can use this protein immediately to recover. Casein protein is less quickly absorbed by your body. Therefore, you can take it, for example, before going to bed so that your body and especially your muscles get protein all night long.

There is much debate about when it is best to take protein for optimal results. Some people say before exercise or just after exercise. It all depends on your build and how intensely you trained. In the end, what matters is that you get enough protein throughout the day.

The Nutrition Centre recommends an average of 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight. If you exercise intensively and want to build muscle mass, 1.4 to 2 grams per kilo of body weight per day is advised. This is difficult to achieve with food alone, which is why protein shakes can be a good solution to get more protein easily. 


Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for your body. Bread, rice potatoes and fruit are examples of products that are high in carbohydrates.

Whether you exercise intensively or not, about 50-60% of the energy you get through your diet should be carbohydrates. Slow (multiple) carbohydrates are then better than the single or dual carbohydrates.

There are three types of carbohydrates:

  • Simple carbohydrates (e.g. glucose and fructose, fruit sugar)
  • Divalent carbohydrates (e.g. sucrose, plain sugar)
  • Multiple carbohydrates (e.g. starch)

Your body can burn carbohydrates more easily than fats or proteins. All the carbohydrates you ingest are broken down and enter your blood through your small intestine. The liver converts carbohydrates into glucose; this is the final fuel your body uses.

Simple and divalent sugars are broken down quickly and thus provide quick energy. Examples include:

  • Fruit
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Sugar

Your body takes longer to convert multiple carbohydrates into energy. It therefore takes longer for you to use these as fuel. Multiple carbohydrate sources are:

  • Vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Legumes
  • Cereals, wheat and maize
  • Flour products such as pasta

Your body can store a supply of carbohydrates in your muscles and liver. When you eat more carbohydrates than you need and these stores are filled, glucose is converted into fat. Carbohydrate is an important source of energy for your body - it only becomes a 'fattener' when you eat too much of it.


An energy gel is a pouch of gel that gives you an energy boost during exercise. They are often used in endurance sports such as cycling or marathon running. Your body needs more energy than it can store. While running, you can then take a gel that provides extra energy. Because they are small pouches, they are also very practical.

The main ingredient in a gel should be carbohydrates: after all, you want to replenish your energy quickly. Sometimes caffeine or other vitamins and minerals are added to a gel. 


Creatine is a substance your body makes itself. It ensures that your muscles are supplied with energy. Your body makes about one to two grams of creatine a day. It is also found in foods such as meat and fish. When there is more creatine and thus energy in your muscles, you can train longer and harder. You don't get tired as quickly. Creatine also causes less damage to your muscles; your body recovers faster after training.

Usually, if you do intensive strength sports, it is recommended to take 0.3 grams of creatine per kilogram of body weight per day. It is difficult to achieve that with your normal diet: for 4 grams of creatine, you have to eat a kilo of beef. That is neither healthy nor achievable.

You don't need to take creatine constantly for long periods of time - that doesn't even make sense. Your body can only absorb a certain amount of creatine. It's better to vary the dose: when you take creatine as a supplement, it can reduce your own production of creatine. To make sure your body still continues to produce creatine itself, it may be good to stop or reduce taking creatine between meals.

Creatine is most effective in strength training and explosive sports activities: in endurance sports, it is unlikely to help improve your athletic performance. If you are an endurance athlete, look rather to the gels we described above.

The most common form of creatine is creatine monohydrate. This form is the most common and has been tested to be safe. There is no evidence that long-term use of creatine can be harmful to a healthy athlete.

Creatine usually comes in pill or powder form. There is no difference in the way it works, but there may be differences in the composition of the product. Look carefully at the ingredients of your supplement and do not exceed the recommended dosage. 


Energy boosters

If you want to boost your energy, you can do so naturally by eating fruit, for example.

Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid and the minerals iron and magnesium have been shown to help give you an energy boost. Especially if you are deficient, this could be the solution to reduce your fatigue.

If you want a quick energy boost, you can use caffeine. This comes in many forms: a cup of coffee, but it is also found in chocolate or, of course, in caffeine supplements.

Want to know more about taking extra vitamins or caffeine supplements? Then check out the article Energy.


Why buy fitness supplements from Slimminglabs

At Slimminglabs, you will find a wide fitness assortment with various supplements for sports and fitness. Whether you want to lose weight, get more energy while exercising or support building muscle mass, we offer different options. In the form of pills, powder or liquid, you can choose what you like best to use. There are also different supplements aimed specifically at the needs of men or women. So you can go for what suits you best!

Order your favourite sports supplements at Slimminglabs now. Ordered today, delivered tomorrow with 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Frequently asked questions

What are the best fitness supplements?

What is the best fitness supplement for you depends on your goal. Do you want to lose weight, build muscle or get stronger and fitter? Your gender and physique also play a part in this. Once you know what your goal is and what ingredients you like in your supplement, you can start looking at which one suits you best. At Slimminglabs, you can find information on the different supplements available and order the one that suits you best right away!

What fitness supplements do you take as a beginner?

It is important to establish your fitness goal first. Do you want to lose weight, build muscle or get fitter and enjoy exercise? Based on that, you can decide which supplement suits you as a beginner. Do good research on the ingredients of different fitness supplements, for example using the information from this article. Start with a low dose and build up slowly. If you are not satisfied, you can always try another supplement.

What types of supplements are there?

There are many different types of sports supplements; protein for building muscle mass, carbohydrates for energy during exercise, creatine for more energy and muscle recovery and gels for energy during endurance sports. You will find them in powder form to make shakes, pills or gels. Look carefully at the properties of each supplement to find out which one best suits you and your sporting goals.

What are the disadvantages of creatine?

There is no evidence that creatine is not safe for a healthy athlete. However, taking creatine for long periods of time can cause your body to produce less creatine itself. It is therefore a good idea to reduce or stop taking creatine supplements every now and then, so that your own production of creatine is maintained.

What is the best supplement for muscle mass?

When you want to build muscle mass, it is especially important that you get enough protein. Do this through a mix of good protein-rich food and using protein supplements, such as shakes or pills. Creatine can also help: it puts more energy into your muscles, allowing you to train longer and use heavier weights.

This allows you to build muscle mass faster.

What is the effect of creatine?

Creatine ensures that more energy goes to your muscles. As a result, you don't tire as quickly and you can train longer, do more repetitions and use heavier weights. It also helps muscle recovery after training.


Fritz, N. (2017, mei 9). Alles over koolhydraten. Opgeroepen op december 2022, van bodylab: https://www.bodylab.nl/magazin/koolhydraten/

Groenendijk, W. (2019, januari 28). Review - welke energiegel komt het beste uit de test? Opgeroepen op december 2022, van Wim groenendijk: https://www.groenendijkwim.nl/review/beste-energiegel-test/

Jelle. (2018, november 16). Waarom fitnessen goed voor je gezondheid is? Wij vertellen het je. Opgeroepen op december 2022, van newgym: https://newgym.nl/blog/motivatie/waarom-fitness-goed-is-voor-gezondheid/

Klein, K. d. (2019, december 9). Het nut van supplementen: creatine. Opgeroepen op december 2022, van alles over sport: https://www.allesoversport.nl/thema/gezonde-leefstijl/het-nut-van-supplementen-creatine/

Klein, K. d. (2019, december 9). Het nut van supplementen: eiwitshakes. Opgeroepen op december 2022, van alles over sport: https://www.allesoversport.nl/thema/gezonde-leefstijl/het-nut-van-supplementen-eiwitshakes/

vitamine info. (sd). helpen vitamines tegen vermoedheid? Opgeroepen op december 2022, van vitamine info: https://vitamine-info.nl/nieuwsartikel/article/?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=474&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=174aaa2d910d9d2f49f20f47b2c27af9


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