3 reasons to use glucosamine for joints

Glucosamine for joints

Many people take glucosamine supplements for stiff and painful joints. But what exactly is glucosamine? and does glucosamine keep joints flexible?

What is glucosamine

Glucosamine is a compound between the amino acid glutamine and glucose. It is a body's own substance that occurs in almost all tissues of humans and animals. This body's own substance is used to maintain and build up joint tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Glucosamine supplements come in a hydrochloride form and as glucosamine sulfate. The difference between the two forms is the amount of glucosamine. Glucosamine hydrochloride contains more pure glucosamine than glucosamine sulfate. The amount of sulfur also differs. The salt of sulfuric acid is added to glucosamine sulfate, which is an important part of the connective tissue cartilage.

When do you benefit from glucosamine

Glucosamine supplements are often used by the elderly who have pain in their knee or hip joint due to osteoarthritis and people with other joint complaints. Athletes, people who do physically demanding work and people with a high percentage of fat tissue can also benefit from taking glucosamine supplements.

Reason 1: important building block in the body

Glucosamine is an important building block of cartilage. It can contribute to the building of cartilage, the regeneration of damaged articular cartilage and the reduction of inflammation in the joints. Furthermore, glucosamine can provide a firm but elastic cartilage, so that our joints can function better. In addition, glucosamine can take over the effect of an amino acid in our body. Amino acid helps produce protein, which you need to function properly.

Reason 2: glucosamine for flexible joints

A joint contains bones that move together. To allow the bones in these joints to move smoothly past each other, these bones contain cartilage. The cartilage around these bones also prevents wear and tear on the bones and absorbs impacts. To keep flexible joints and to reduce stiffness, it is therefore important to have sufficient cartilage. Glucosamine is an important building block of cartilage and can repair damaged cartilage. Taking glucosamine can therefore ensure flexible joints.

Reason 3: glucosamine for painful joints

When the cartilage in your joints is damaged, it can cause painful joints. Loose cartilage fragments can get into the joints, causing inflammation. This can result in pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints. To reduce the pain in these joints, the damaged cartilage must be repaired. Glucosamine can repair damaged cartilage and strengthen and lubricate joints. If you suffer from joint pain, taking glucosamine supplements can reduce the symptoms.

More products for your joints

As mentioned earlier, glucosamine can provide flexible joints and reduce joint complaints. Glucosamine can be taken in the form of supplements. When you notice results from taking these supplements differs per person. Keep in mind that the glucosamine spreads throughout the body and it may take a while before you experience a difference in a specific place. Read more information about painful joints and the contribution of supplements for joints







