What to do about joint pain? Tips for relief

What to do about joint pain?

Do you regularly experience joint pain? That annoying, nagging and sometimes even debilitating pain that limits your movements and may even prevent you from performing your daily activities? No matter how bad it is, rest assured. You are definitely not the only one in pain your muscles and joints and fortunately there are several ways to reduce the pain and deal with it. Joint pain can be a serious obstacle in your life, but with adjustments and possibly supplements you can often live well with it. In this blog we take a closer look at what to do about joint pain.

Recognizing joint pain

joint pain

Anyone can get painful joints. This cannot only be attributed to illness or old age, for example, there may also be other causes. To do something about joint pain, it is good to first discover whether it really concerns painful joints. Is this the case? Then it is important to find out exactly what the cause is. You can recognize joint pain by various characteristics. For example, persistent pain, but also stiffness, swelling, redness and/or a feeling of warmth around the affected joints. The pain can be mild, but also aching or sharp.

Common causes of joint pain include inflammation, overexertion, injuries and medical conditions such as arthritis. You can also suffer from joint pain due to excess weight, poor posture, heredity or old age.

Lifestyle changes and natural remedies

Nutrition and supplements


What to do about joint pain? In any case, it helps enormously if you pay attention to your diet. A healthy diet is good for your overall health, but it can also reduce joint pain. Consider foods with anti-inflammatory properties and products rich in omega-3 fatty acids (oily fish, linseed and chia seeds).

Supplements containing, for example, omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine and/or turmeric can also reduce pain. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate can help repair damaged cartilage, turmeric is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Exercise and weight management

Being overweight can be a cause of joint pain. By losing weight you can reduce the pressure on the joints, causing pain to decrease or even disappear. Regular exercise and losing weight is therefore very important if you suffer from painful joints. But what can you do against joint pain due to excess weight? Without straining your muscles and joints? It is good to walk, preferably at least 6000 to 8000 steps per day. You can also strengthen your muscles around the joints and your flexibility with low-impact exercises. Consider swimming or cycling. What helps against joint pain is not only losing weight itself, but of course also maintaining the weight.

Mind-body techniques

Exercise is very important, but mind-body techniques such as tai chi, yoga and meditation can also help manage and improve joint pain. These techniques not only promote flexibility and strength. Mind-body techniques can also reduce stress, which can reduce pain. Mindfulness and relaxation exercises can also often help you deal with pain and complaints better.

Heat and cold therapy

You may be wondering, “what else can be done for joint pain?” Heat or cold therapy also helps against joint pain. Heat therapy, such as warm water baths, warm compresses or heating pads, can warm the muscles, making them easier to relax. This also ensures better blood circulation around the painful joints. Cold therapy also helps against joint pain. Do you have joint pain due to inflammation or, for example, due to an injury and swelling? Then an ice pack can reduce the complaints.

Anti-inflammatory herbs

In addition to turmeric, there are several other (anti-inflammatory) herbs that can help reduce joint pain. For example, ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can be added to meals. You can also drink delicious ginger tea. Boswellia, also known as frankincense resin, has been used for centuries for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Cayenne pepper also helps against joint pain. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin; a substance that blocks pain receptors in the body and relieves pain. You can take anti-inflammatory herbs in the form of supplements, but in some cases also as a tea or liquid extract. Not sure which shape suits you best? Then we recommend asking your doctor about this. Our specialists are also happy to help you, please feel free to contact us contact for more information.

Combat joint pain

If you regularly suffer from your muscles and joints, it is very important to listen carefully to your body and give it the right care. If you do this, there is a good chance that the pain will decrease significantly or perhaps even disappear. There are many things that can help with joint pain, so take control and don't go crazy. Take the time to take care of your body. Slimmingslabs has a wide range of creams and supplements that can ease the pain. A very popular product that helps against joint pain is Sustafix. Apply the cream to the painful area once a day and wait until it is completely absorbed. There is a good chance that you will soon be able to move more freely again and experience fewer complaints!