
How to get a slimmer waist?

Getting a narrower waist is something many women dream of. It is seen as 'prettier', it increases self-confidence and it is also good for your health. Did you know that a slimmer waist reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes? But how to get a slimmer waistline? In this blog we give you some important tips and exercises.

1: lower your fat percentage

One of the most effective ways to get a narrower waist is by reducing your fat percentage. Reducing body fat can cause the size of your waist to decrease too. Lowering your fat percentage is done by burning more energy than you take in. One way to lose weight and fat is to consume fewer calories and exercise more.

2: nutrition for a slim waistline

Would you like a slim waistline? Nutrition plays a big role in this. It is important to avoid foods rich in sugar and saturated fats. Instead, you can opt for products rich in fibre and protein. These make you feel satiated for longer and are perfect foods to eat in a calorie deficit. For example, eat whole grains, vegetables, lean proteins and fruit, but also consume healthy fats. Think salmon, avocado and unsalted nuts.

3: provide relaxation

Stress is never good for a person. It can even impact your body which can lead to extra fat storage, especially on the belly and waist. So try to avoid stress as much as possible, for your general health but also for a slimmer waistline. Get enough sleep, relax regularly (not just with Netflix, but also with a good book, for instance) and do regular relaxation exercises. For example, have you ever thought about yoga, meditation and breathing exercises?

4: exercises for a slim waist

We have already told you that getting a slimmer waist is possible by eating fewer calories and exercising more. But which narrower waist exercises are best to do? Below are the five most effective narrower waist (strength training) exercises.

Side crunches

How do you get a slimmer waist? By doing side crunches! Lie on your back and bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head and tighten your abdominal muscles. Lift your upper body off the ground, tighten the muscles in your side and twist to the left. Turn back and lie on your back again. Repeat this narrower waist exercise but now turn to the right. Try to exercise each side 10 times.


Hip circles

There are several exercises to get a narrower waist. One of the most efficient and easiest exercises for a slimmer waist is hip circles.  Stand firmly with your legs slightly apart. Put your hands on your hips and make circular movements. Do this to the right and to the left.


Russian twist

You can also get a slimmer waist by exercising your oblique abdominal muscles. You can do this very well with a Russian twist. Sit on the floor and bend your knees. Put your feet firmly on the ground. Lean back slightly, tighten your abdominal muscles and cross your arms in front of your chest. Then twist your torso to the left and right while keeping your feet on the ground. Do each side at least ten times. Want to make this exercise for getting a slimmer waist a little harder? Then you can hold a dumbbell or a fitness ball with a weight of your choice in your hands while twisting.


Side plank

A side plank is a little trickier because it also involves balance. Rest assured: this narrower waist exercise is certainly not impossible to perform. Lie on your side, support yourself on your forearm and stretch your legs as far as you can. Lift your body off the ground and slowly raise your top leg. Can't manage to stand completely on your forearm and feet? Then you can also put your knee on the ground. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times and do the same on your other side.


Hula hoops

Hula hooping is one of the most fun exercises for a narrower waistline. Who did not enthusiastically run around, run and do tricks with a hula hoop as a child? Actually, hula hooping is almost the same as the aforementioned hip circles. The only difference is that here you use a sports hoop with a weight of your choice. Turn circles to the left and right with the hula hoop and tighten your abdominal muscles. Make sure the hoop does not fall to the floor. Tip: put on your favourite series and hula hoop while watching a (short) episode. Bet the time goes faster?


Gain a slimmer waist

As you have read, getting a narrower waist is possible by eating less, relaxing more and exercising more. Doing the narrower waist exercises is very important. Actually, it is possible for anyone to lose weight and get a slim waist. Of course, you have to do something for it. Want to see results a bit faster? Then various products can speed up the process. For example, get a narrower waist with this Velform Sauna Slimmer. Fat-burning supplements can also help. Do you still have questions about getting a slimmer waist or which products best suit your needs? Feel free to contact us.