10 Tips Against Chalky Nails
How to prevent bald nails?
In the blog below, we are going to tell you what bald nails are, how to recognise a bald nail, 10 tips on how to prevent a bald nail and how to treat a bald nail.
What are chalk nails?
A chalk nail is a fungus that settles in nails. These can be the toenails but of course also the nails on your hands. It is most common in toenails. Toenails are more susceptible because fungus likes to grow in dark and damp places. A chalk nail is contagious, therefore you can infect other nails of yourself and others. It is best to start treatment as soon as you detect a chalky nail.
How do you recognise a chalky nail?
White streaks on nails
White spots/streaks can be a first sign of a fungal infection. If the infection also gets into or under the nail, it can lead to a chalky nail.
Yellow/brown/black nails
If you have a yellow-coloured nail, it is possible that this is a chalk nail. If the chalk nail remains longer, it may also turn brown or black.
Sore nails
If you have had a chalky nail for a long time, it can naturally start to hurt. This is because the nail is thicker, the nail fold is swollen or the nail is loosening.
Thick and crumbly nails
As you get older, your nails also get thicker. If the nail is thicker and has a crumbly texture, it may indicate a chalky nail. A thick nail is more difficult to treat. Absolutely do not start filing the nail, as you will only cause more damage.
Cracked and brittle nails
Combined with a thickened nail, this can be a symptom of chalky nails. Are cracked / brittle nails your only symptom? Then you don't necessarily have bald nails, but you may be extra susceptible to them. The fungus can move into your nail more easily because of the cracked nail. The older you get, the more brittle the nails become.
10 tips against chalk nails
- Put on a new pair of socks every day. Preferably made of wool or cotton. Avoid wearing synthetic socks as much as possible.
- Wear shoes that fit comfortably. Shoes that are too tight squeeze the feet. This increases the risk of sweaty feet and makes it easier for a fungus to grow.
- Ventilate your feet sufficiently. Whenever possible, take off shoes and socks. This will allow your feet to breathe better.
- Try to wash your feet with soap as little as possible. When you do wash your feet with soap, rinse them well.
- Always dry your feet thoroughly after showering, bathing or swimming. This is best done by using a dry towel or a piece of paper.
- Always wear something on your feet in public areas. This could include swimming pools, changing rooms or gymnasiums.
- Don't lend out your foot products. Only use these yourself. After use, it is useful to clean them well. That way, you can prevent infection.
- Don't use nail polish unnecessarily. When you use normal nail polish, your nails cannot breathe. This can make them warm and sultry, which is something fungus loves and grows well with.
- Ensure good immunity through a healthy lifestyle.
- Use a product against chalk nails preventively. We recommend the product Onycosolve.
How to treat a chalky nail?
You can easily treat balding nails yourself. This by buying a product from a drugstore. You have to keep using the product until the bald nail is completely grown out and replaced by a new nail.You could also order Onycosolve from us. How long this takes can vary from person to person. On average, it is between 6 and 24 months. So keep an eye out!
Many chalk nail products require you to file the nail first. This makes the nail thinner and allows the product to penetrate the nail better. We recommend using a product that does not require this.