
5 Tips against fatigue

Are you low on energy and unable to move forward? That can be very annoying. So we give you tips to combat fatigue and tell you where it can come from.

Why am I so tired?

You have probably wondered before why you are so tired. There is no one standard answer to this question. In fact, fatigue symptoms can be caused by many things. Sometimes there is one obvious cause for fatigue, for example if you have been exercising a lot or sleeping little. However, it is usually caused by a combination of several factors. Often it is because you do more than your body can handle. Diseases like Pfeiffer's disease, the flu, corona or diabetes can also cause you to be overtired. If you are very tense or stressed, suffer from depression or have an unhealthy lifestyle, this can also cause you to feel tired.

These are common symptoms of fatigue

Fatigue symptoms vary from person to person. For instance, some have more physical and others more emotional fatigue complaints. The most common fatigue complaints are: low energy and feeling lifeless, headache, dizziness, feeling angry or irritable easily, being unable to cope with loud noises, crowds or bright light, poor concentration, memory problems, feeling gloomy or sad for no immediate reason, slow reactions, muscle weakness and reduced fitness, tired eyes and complaints in the neck, shoulders or back.

5 tips against fatigue from our expert

Fatigue symptoms are very annoying and can interfere with daily life. Fortunately, they can be reduced or even prevented by cutting yourself off 1 hour before bedtime, avoiding coffee and alcohol, making sure you sleep well and eating healthy. Taking supplementary energy supplements can also help.

1. Tip 1 - Shut yourself off 1 hour before bedtime

Many people watch a film or scroll through social media before bed, but it's better not to do this. This is because the blue bright light makes us more alert and less melatonin is produced. This makes it harder for us to fall asleep and have little energy the next day. Try unwinding before bed by going for a walk, taking a bath or reading a book. This will help you fall asleep more easily and sleep better.

2. Tip 2 - Avoid coffee and alcohol

To combat and reduce fatigue, it is important to avoid coffee and alcohol. You will probably think: huh, avoid coffee, it actually boosts energy, right? The caffeine in coffee does indeed provide an energy boost, but this energy boost is only temporary and the caffeine has to be broken down again by your body. Breaking this down takes 8 hours on average. So it is possible that the caffeine has not yet been broken down when you want to go to sleep and this may unconsciously cause you to sleep worse and be overtired the next day.

Alcohol can also provide a brief energy boost. However, taking alcohol eventually makes you feel low on energy and tired. This is because your stomach and liver require a lot of energy to digest and process the alcohol.

In addition, alcohol negatively affects the quality of your sleep. After drinking alcohol, people fall asleep faster, but then they sleep less deeply and restlessly. In fact, some people wake up more often when they have drunk alcohol. In addition, alcohol delays the onset of REM sleep and shortens the duration of REM sleep. As a result, someone who has drunk alcohol wakes up less rested than someone who has not drunk alcohol.

Tip 3 - Get a good place to sleep

Make sure your sleeping area is suitable for sleeping. A dark and comfortable room with plenty of fresh air is essential here. It is also important that the room is not too warm, preferably around 18 degrees. Furthermore, as little noise as possible should be able to enter the room. This can cause you to wake up at night and reduce your sleep quality.

4. Tip 4 - Eat healthy

Occasional unhealthy eating does not directly cause fatigue symptoms, but it is important to generally make sure you eat healthy. After all, we get our energy from food. People who often eat unhealthy food have less energy and feel more tired as a result. Especially choose high-energy and high-protein products like vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and whole-grain products, as these healthy products are good fuel for your body.

5. Tip 5 - Take additional energy supplements

To complement the above tips against fatigue, you can take energy supplements. These supplements contain ingredients that can boost energy. This will make you feel less tired and have more energy. In addition, you can also take the essential vitamins: vitamin B and vitamin C to ensure sufficient energy in the body.

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