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Muscles and joints

Muscles and joints

You often don't think about it when you pick up a cup or walk up the stairs, but supple muscles and joints are not a given. It is important to keep your muscles and joints healthy. Even at a young age, you may experience sore muscles and joints. In addition, various conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and rheumatism cause a lot of pain. Some people experience temporary muscle pain due to a sports injury, for example.

In this article you will find out how to keep sore muscles and joints supple, what kind of complaints can arise and which products are available to take care of your muscles and joints.

Keeping muscles and joints supple

A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise helps keep your muscles and joints supple. When you exercise, you ensure that your muscles around the joints stay strong and keep cartilage supple.

To keep muscles and joints supple you can, for example:

  • Hiking
  • Practising yoga
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Stretching


In addition, sufficient exercise is also good for your resistance and mental well-being.

Many places offer exercise in (warm) water, sometimes under the guidance of a physiotherapist. If normal exercise is difficult for you, this can be a good alternative. Warm water is also relaxing for your joints and muscles. 

Being overweight plays an important role in joint pain. Your knees have a lot to endure while walking. When you climb stairs, for example, the force on your knee is two to three times your body weight. The best thing, of course, is to prevent your muscles and joints from suffering later in life. A healthy weight contributes to this.

Stiff or painful muscles and joints

Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from sore or stiff muscles and joints. There are several causes that cause these complaints:


Getting older affects your muscles and joints. Your muscles lose strength and your joints become stiffer. Sufficient exercise keeps your joints and muscles supple. If you already have complaints, you may reduce them with exercise.


Overexertion occurs, for example, due to being overweight or repetitive movements.

Examples include a sore hip or RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).


Your joints can inflame; well-known examples are gout and rheumatism. About 2 million Dutch people have rheumatism.


The movement of the bones is less smooth and causes joint pain. 1.1 million Dutch people have osteoarthritis. There are several risk factors for developing osteoarthritis such as:

  • Overweight
  • Age
  • Injury
  • Gene
  • Sport

Research shows that if you are obese and have osteoarthritis pain in your knees, you can have results if you lose 5.1 kilos.


Besides well-known inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, there is also fibromyalgia. This is also known as soft tissue rheumatism. With fibromyalgia, you often have chronic pain, not your joints, but your muscles and connective tissue are the culprit. Fibromyalgia is not inflammation.

Magnesium deficiency

Muscle cramps can be a symptom of magnesium deficiency. This too does not feel pleasant in your muscles. You can supplement such a magnesium deficiency by taking supplements or taking a bath with magnesium. Muscle complaints of a temporary nature are also possible, such as a sprain or sports injury. If you have a medical condition, always consult a doctor about the best treatment.

Vitamin deficiency


Another common deficiency is vitamin deficiency. Common deficiencies in muscle and joint complaints are vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

If you don't get enough vitamin B12, certain systems in your body may not work as well as red blood cell production. A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause joint complaints. Vitamin B12 is obtained from animal products, for instance. You can supplement the deficiency by having vitamin B12 injections injected through your GP. Various supplements containing vitamin B12 are also available, such as vitamin pills. 

Vitamin D is important for your muscles and bones. If you don't get enough vitamin D, you may experience pain in your muscles and joints. Vitamin D has an important role in absorbing calcium from food. Vitamin D is useful for your muscle function. Among other things, you get vitamin D from sunlight and food. There are also supplements that contain vitamin D.


If you experience a lot of stress, sometimes you also suffer from stiff or sore muscles. There are some solutions that are stress-relieving:

  • A hot bath
  • A visit to the sauna
  • (Shiatsu) massage
  • Walking
  • Sufficient sleep
  • Meditation
  • Yoga

Ways to take care of your muscles and joints

Nowadays, there are various ways and remedies that make having stiff muscles and joints a little more bearable and with which you take care of these aching muscles. Generally, these products and remedies are easily available. These include:

  • Muscle and joint cream
  • Gel for muscles and joints
  • Nutrition and natural remedies
  • Supplements

In the following paragraphs, you will learn more about these products and how they work.

Muscle and joint cream

A cream for sore joints and muscles can be used for stiff, aching muscles, a stiff neck and sometimes a sports injury. You smear a little cream on the sore spot so that the cream relieves the pain. An advantage of these creams is that they usually also have a caring, restorative effect. Sometimes the smeared area feels a little warm, this can be a drawback for some people. A popular cream that we sell a lot is Sustafix.

Gel for muscles and joints

There are several gels for muscles and joints in circulation. Some of these gels contain a small amount of anti-inflammatory to relieve pain. There are also gels that have a cooling effect. You smear a small amount of gel on the painful area and let it soak in for a while. You use this gel for supple joints and relaxed muscles. An advantage of these kinds of gels is that they are widely available. Sometimes these gels have a strong smell, this can be seen as a disadvantage. We have several gels in our range including Hondrox. This gel is very popular.

Nutrition and natural remedies

A healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition for muscles and joints. There are several foods that contribute positively to this such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega-3 fatty acids 
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Green vegetables

By eating oily fish like salmon, you get Omega 3 fatty acids. This way, you easily fulfil your Omega 3 requirement.

Plant-based diets are also said to have a positive impact on joint problems such as rheumatism and osteoarthritis, according to several studies. In a plant-based diet, you do not eat animal products such as dairy, meat and eggs. The advantage of eating healthy food is that it has a positive effect on your whole body. However, many people sometimes find it difficult to gauge whether they are eating enough healthy food. Nowadays, there are several apps where you can keep track of what food you take in.

Foods to cut down

According to an article written by a doctor, there are also food products that have a bad impact on your aching muscles and joints such as:

  • Deep-fried food
  • Red meat
  • Foods high in sugar
  • Gluten

So if you are suffering from your joints and stiff muscles, it is important to take a close look at whether you are getting the right nutrients and which products are better left out. 

Besides healthy foods, there are other natural remedies you can take for relieving pain, for example by drinking ginger drink. In addition, blackcurrant leaf is said to be anti-inflammatory.


A natural remedy for aching muscles and joints is aromatherapy. You then use essential oils that you massage into your skin or drip into a warm bath. Aromatherapy is also said to help well with stress complaints. Various scents are available such as:

  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper

Each scent has its own effect, so check carefully beforehand whether the scent of your choice is suitable for the purpose you want to use the oil for. Lavender, for example, is for relaxation and eucalyptus for cooling. These scents are generally quite easily available, which is an advantage, however, some scents are rather strong, which can be perceived as a disadvantage.


A supplement for muscles and joints is sometimes a good addition to your diet. The advantage of taking supplements is that it is quick and easy. They are also freely available. For example, you can think of a supplement with magnesium, which promotes muscle relaxation, or vitamin pills. There are also supplements that contain multiple ingredients such as calcium and zinc. Supplements are often not cheap, this can be a disadvantage.

Disclaimer: muscle supplements such as creams and gels are not a panacea - as there is no such thing. It can help you, but always make sure you use supplements responsibly and informed. When in doubt, consult a doctor.

Products for muscles and joints

Slimminglabs offers several supported products for sore muscles and joints:

  • Imosteon is a cream and applied two to three times a day to your joints, sores and back, for example.
  • Hondrofrost is a muscle & joint balm, you smear a little gel on the sore area two to three times a day.
  • Artonova is a dietary supplement with a focus on healthy joints and bones.
  • Nautubone is a muscle and joint cream, which you massage on the sore spot for 30 seconds.
  • Arthrolon is a muscle & joint gel, you smear this on the sore spot once or twice a day.
  • Artrovex is a cream for joints, apply up to twice a day with massaging movements.

Slimminglabs recommends reading the leaflet of all products carefully and testing creams and gels on a small area 48 hours before use.

Frequently asked questions

What is good for muscles and joints?

What is best for you depends on exactly what symptoms you have. A sports injury requires a different approach than an inflammatory condition such as rheumatism. Generally speaking, keeping your muscles and joints supple means getting enough exercise. For example, with walking, yoga or cycling.

What to do about aching muscles and joints?

It is very annoying when you experience a lot of pain due to stiff muscles and joints. There are several ways to make this pain a little more bearable. For instance, you can ensure a healthy lifestyle with enough exercise and the right foods. There are also various creams, gels and other supplements available to help you relieve the pain.

How does gel for muscle and joint pain work?

It is best to test a small amount of gel on, say, the inner forearm 48 hours before use. Then, if no rash or irritation is noticeable, apply the gel to the sore areas two to three times a day.

Which ingredients are good for muscles and joints?

There are several ingredients good for muscles and joints. These include magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium and omega 3. Examples of foods that contain these ingredients are salmon (vitamin D and omega 3), citrus fruits such as orange (vitamin C) and milk (magnesium and calcium).

Which supplements are best to use?

There are several supplements that target muscles and joints. For sore spots, for example, you can opt for a cream; if you have a sports injury, then a gel might be more suitable. If you want to use something that is also for your bones, you can take a nutritional supplement.


Gezondheidsnet (september 2010) Spieren en gewrichten, hoe zit het? https://www.gezondheidsnet.nl/spieren-en-gewrichten/spieren-en-gewrichten

Better Health Channel (geraadpleegd op 13 april 2023( Ageing-muscles bones and joints https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints

Zelfzorg (geraadpleegd op 4 april 2023) Spieren en gewrichten (voor soepele) https://www.zelfzorg.nl/gezond-blijven/spieren-en-gewrichten-voor-soepele

Harvard Health Publicing (December 2019) Why weight matters when it comes to joint pain https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/why-weight-matters-when-it-comes-to-joint-pain

Gezondheidsplein (geraadpleegd op 4 april 2023) Gewrichtspijn https://www.gezondheidsplein.nl/aandoeningen/gewrichtsklachten/item40461

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