Promote muscle recovery after exercise
Do you want to grow your muscles? Then it is important to train regularly. Unfortunately, what many people go wrong with is not taking enough time to recover. Because did you know that giving your muscles rest and recovery after exercise is at least as important as the training itself? During this time, your muscles not only recover, they also become stronger. Want to know more about promoting your muscle recovery? We will tell you more about it in this blog.
Give muscles a rest after exercise
During exercise, small tears occur in your muscle tissue. These are also called microtraumas. This may sound a bit scary, but these cracks are completely normal. They are caused by the load during training and ensure muscle growth and increase in strength. It is important to ensure muscle recovery after exercise.
Why rest and muscle recovery after exercise is so important is because your muscles simply need time to recover. Are you not giving your muscles a rest? Then the damaged muscle fibers are not repaired and stronger muscle fibers are not created. In addition, your muscles also need rest to prevent overload and injuries.
If you want to promote muscle recovery, it is important that you actually take the necessary rest after your training. How much rest you need to take depends on the effort, but in general your muscles need 24 hours to 48 hours to recover. 24 hours after light to moderate exercise (such as running and cycling), 48 hours after intensive exercise fitness workout with weights. In some cases, your muscles need 72 hours of rest after a workout, especially if you lift very heavy weights or have had a workout where you have made a lot of eccentric movements.
What is good for muscle recovery?
It is now clear that muscle recovery after exercise is very important. But how can you promote muscle recovery? You can take different actions. You can read below which actions can contribute.
Make sure you drink enough water
What is good for muscle recovery? In addition to resting well, it is extremely important that you drink enough water. Not only during training, but every day. On average we lose 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day and this must be replenished. During exercise you not only lose fluid, but also important electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Proper hydration promotes blood flow to your muscles, giving them enough oxygen and nutrients for recovery. In addition, it helps remove waste products that can cause muscle pain. Therefore, make sure that you drink enough water during and after exercise to allow your muscles to recover optimally.
Nutrients for your muscles
Promote muscle recovery after exercise? Then, in addition to drinking enough water, taking the right nutrients is also very important. Your muscles need the right nutrients to recover and grow. For example, carbohydrates play an important role in replenishing the glycogen stores in your muscles, which is important for energy recovery and the prevention of fatigue. Getting enough protein can also promote muscle growth and recovery.
How much protein you should consume depends on your weight, your goal and your training. In general, it is recommended to consume 1.2 grams to 2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight per day. Have you just finished a workout and do you want to promote muscle recovery? Then take 20 to 25 grams of protein immediately after training. For example, you prefer to eat chicken, fish, eggs, legumes and dairy products. If this does not work, take a protein-rich product such as a protein shake, protein lemonade or another protein product.
Sufficient sleep also ensures better muscle recovery after exercise. While you sleep, your body produces growth hormones that are important for the recovery and growth of your muscles. These hormones stimulate the synthesis of proteins in your muscles, which ensures better recovery and greater muscle mass. In addition, sleep helps reduce inflammation by regulating anti-inflammatory processes in the body. This contributes to faster recovery of damaged muscle tissue after an intensive training session. By sleeping at least 7 to 9 hours every night, you give your body the necessary time to recover and become stronger. Don't underestimate a good night's sleep: enough sleep can definitely promote muscle recovery!
Supplements for faster muscle recovery
In addition to rest, hydration, the right nutrients and sufficient sleep are also good for muscle recovery. Namely taking fitness supplements. You can take extra proteins and promote muscle recovery, but also fitness supplements with creatine, BCAAs and other nutrients that increase your energy level and replenish vitamins and minerals. At Slimminglabs you will find various supplements that promote muscle recovery after exercise. Are you curious which products perfectly suit you and your goals? Please feel free contact on, we are happy to help you.